Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law (KSUEL) will host Russian-Japanese online Round Table «Joint human resource development projects of Japanese and Russian companies and universities. Problems and perspectives». The event will take place on October 9th, 2020 since 12:00 till 15:00 (local time) and will be held under the year of «Russian-Japanese interregional and twin-city exchanges» and as a part of Human Resource Development Platform for Japan-Russia Economic Cooperation and Personnel Exchange (HaRP). Our Research Center for SCO and APR along with Hokkaido University is a co‑organizer of the Round Table.
Representatives of Russian and Japanese Universities, Research centers, Businesses, Regional authorities and NGOs will take part in the event. Russian side will be represented by Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Investment Development and Entrepreneurship of the Khabarovsk Territory, Far Eastern Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Legislative State Council of the Khabarovsk Territory, Universities and Companies. Japanese side – authorities of Hokkaido and Niigata Prefectures, Hokkaido Intellectual Tank (HIT), Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Japan Association for Trade with Russia and NIS countries (ROTOBO), Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry (METI), universities and companies.
The participants will share information on their joint undertakings with universities/companies, the problems they encountered and the solutions found. The advantages of such projects for the university and the company will be discussed and the success factors determined. The event will be translated into Russian and Japanese.
Minister of Investment Development and Entrepreneurship of the Khabarovsk Territory Maksim Tarasov will deliver the welcoming remarks to the participants. Director of the Japanese Center in Khabarovsk Yasumitsu IHSIHATA, Chairman of the Council of the Union «Far Eastern Chamber of Commerce and Industry» Anatolyi Bury, professor of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Shigeru ARAI and others will present their reports according to the theme mentioned above.
The event will be held via Zoom platform. To take part in the Round Table please fill the application till October 7th. You can address any additional questions to the head of the Scientific Sector of KSUEL «The Research Center for SCO and APR» Aleksandr Voronenko (e-mail:, phone # 8-914-771-73-93).